Loretta Rippee M.Ed, LMHC

Hypnosis, Naturally


What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a powerful tool, which you can easily learn to obtain your goals. Most of us use only a fraction of the energy, strength and power within us. Hypnosis gives you access to much more of your own power, so you can become more effective in almost any area of you life.

Hypnosis is particularly useful in with issues of diet and weight, smoking and habitual behavior, stress and irrational fears. You can increase performance levels in athletics, sales, and public speaking, improve study habits, and increase your motivation.

 How Does Hypnosis Work?

Hypnosis provides an effective way to deal with inner emotional conflicts. The hypnotist acts as a guide, and assists the client in exploring old negative beliefs and fears that get in the way of current goals. Old feelings can be released, allowing the client to choose new ways of responding to current challenges. Hypnotherapy is a very powerful way to forgive old hurts and take care of "unfinished business."

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